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XKR Active exhaust - Page 1 - Jaguar - PistonHeads

XKR Active exhaust - Page 1 - Jaguar - PistonHeads - The image is a screenshot of a chart or table from a mobile device. It appears to be related to "Active Exhaust System (Supercharger Vehicles Only)" under a transmission type that reads "6CT". The table includes columns such as Throttle Angle, Engine Speed, RPM, TPVARVEAL, and others, with values corresponding to "Open", "Closed", and "Closed/Loaded". It lists numerical values and degrees representing different conditions, with a constant percentage of 700. Numbers in white and blue fonts can be seen, comparing data between different conditions or settings. The chart seems to be technical and detailed, possibly related to mechanical engineering or vehicle development. The image does not provide a full view of the entire table or surrounding context, hence the specific details of each column are limited.

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