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Post your dyno curve here - Page 1 - Chimaera - PistonHeads

Post your dyno curve here - Page 1 - Chimaera - PistonHeads - The image features a graph titled "SPORT-DEVices DF USER-INTERNATIONAL EDA LENS GRAPHS" followed by a title specific to the Sport-DEVices DFI with a data timestamp. The graph is a line chart showing three different data sets across two X-axis ranges with two different Y-axis scales. One axis range has a lower frequency band, and the other range represents a higher frequency band. Each loop on the graph represents a phase shift correlation of different devices or specific tests. The data points correlate different "ABP" (not clearly defined), "MF", "FTL", "HV", and "HNE" measurements with "LAMINATOR", "LAMINATOR", and other items not fully legible. The image contains both numerical data and titles that hint at signal analysis for electronic drumheads.

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