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Exige S beats Cayman GT4 - Page 1 - Elise/Exige/Europa/340R - PistonHeads

Exige S beats Cayman GT4 - Page 1 - Elise/Exige/Europa/340R - PistonHeads - The image is a screenshot of a social media post featuring a magazine advertisement. It dominates the image with its vibrant red and green color scheme. The advertisement promotes the Lotus Exige, powered by Porsche's turn key engines, and mentions a GT4 model. It indicates that the Exige S beats a Porsche Cayman GT4 and states that Germany might get the car in its excitement. The car is shown alongside the text in a small inset illustration. In the corner of the image, there's a social media interface, suggesting that the screenshot was taken from a platform such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

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