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A close up of a clock on a wall - Pistonheads - The image displays the dashboard of a car, with the main focus on the center console that has various dials and gauges. The three analog dials are largely obscured, but the gauge on the left reads "V/I" and has a rapid icon next to "V," indicating an ongoing hyper mileage run. The gauge on the right indicates a speed of "03569" and a distance traveled of "168.9," with the numbers illuminated in a bright orange or yellow shade. The bottom gauge has a timer with a countdown of "145:38," and the word "KM" is labeled on it, which stands for kilometer, and represents the distance before the maintenance reminder. The steering wheel, which is at the lower part of the image, has a red marker pointing to the six o'clock position, indicating that the driver is not following protocol. The photo has a distinct heat haze around the gauges, suggesting it was taken on an extremely hot day.
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