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A pair of scissors and a pair of scissors - Pistonheads - The image displays a collection of five aircraft depicted in a line-up. Each plane is represented by a side profile drawing, showcasing different models or makes of aircraft. At the top of the image, there's a title that reads "P-40/P-41/P-46," which suggests these are variants of the P-40 series, commonly known as the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk. The drawings include detailed information about each aircraft model, such as their call signs and serial numbers.

The first plane in the sequence is labeled "P-40/P-41," with additional details including "A86" for the aircraft's number and "F4U Corsair" for the name of the model or variant. The second plane, which appears to be the same as the first, has a different serial number, "A86."

The third plane is labeled "P-40/P-41" again, with "A87" as its serial number. It's similar in design to the previous planes but distinct in its identification number.

The fourth plane displays "P-40/P-46," which is likely a different model than the first three, given that it's marked "F4U Corsair." This plane also has a unique serial number, "A87."

Finally, the fifth aircraft is labeled "P-40/P-41" and carries the serial number "A87." It mirrors the design of the previous planes in the series.

The image style is reminiscent of historical technical illustrations or diagrams used for aviation documentation. There's a scale indicator on the right side, providing reference to the size of these aircraft models.

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