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A collage of photos of a man holding a tennis racket - The image displays a table with three columns, each representing different factors: 'weight', 'assessment', and 'result'. At the top of each column is a header that describes what each column represents.

In the first column, labeled 'weight', there are two entries. The first entry states that 96% of assessments were weighted. Underneath this, there's another line that says "Assessed quantitatively with respect to deliverables". This suggests that the assessments took into account the delivery of certain items or services in relation to their significance or importance.

The second column is titled 'assessment', and it indicates that 96% of quantitative assessments were completed. Underneath this, there's a note stating "Assessed qualitatively with respect to deliverables". This implies that the assessment was not only conducted quantitatively but also qualitatively, considering the delivery of items or services.

The third column is labeled 'result', and it shows percentages for different aspects: 'Final', 'Intermediate', and 'Preliminary'. For the final result, there's a 100% success rate, suggesting that all goals were met or achieved. The intermediate and preliminary results also show high percentages of success, indicating that these stages of the project or process were successful to varying degrees.

At the bottom of each column is a footnote with additional information about the respective columns: "Final result 100%", "Intermediate result 96%", and "Preliminary result 92%". The overall picture presented in the image suggests a highly successful project or process, with quantitative and qualitative assessments showing high percentages of completion and success.

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