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A large building with a large clock on it - The image depicts a top-down perspective of a dungeon or dungeon-like setting in a pixel art style, reminiscent of retro games. The scene is viewed from an elevated angle, giving a detailed view of the layout. The environment appears cluttered, with various items and rubble strewn throughout. There are no human figures or characters visible; however, the presence of a cursor and UI elements suggests that this is a computer-based game environment, likely from a point-and-click or adventure-type game. The interface at the top suggests that the player's character point (PP), health, and possibly mana or energy (not visible) are being tracked.
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A man gave the shirt off his back to a homeless man on an NYC SubwayBest smoker barges 1-5 large [Vol 19] - Page 446 - General Gassing - PistonHeads UKSpotted In South Wales (Vol 3) - Page 173 - South Wales - PistonHeadsThicc

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