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Setting rocker preload - Page 2 - Chimaera - PistonHeads

Setting rocker preload - Page 2 - Chimaera - PistonHeads - The image shows a black and white printed page of instructions. At the top of the page in bold text is the title "LIFTER PRELAD." Below the title, there is a cautionary notice that reads, "If preload is too HIGH, your hydraulic carb reading will be too HIGH to PASS THE MOT." This suggests an attempt to warn readers about an incorrect setting that could affect a vehicle's performance.

The rest of the page contains detailed steps and diagrams for adjusting the lifter preload on a hydraulic camshaft. The instructions outline the necessary protective measures and safety precautions to be taken while working on the starter motor. The diagram helps users visualize the mechanism and the steps to adjust it. The text and diagrams are typical of an automotive repair manual, providing a clear and concise guide on how to perform a specific task.

Towards the bottom of the page, there is a disclaimer that says, "THIS INFORMATION APPLIES TO CAMSHAFTS AND LIFTERS SOLD BY REAL STEEL ONLY POINT PRODUCTS," which indicates that the instructions might be specific to certain products.

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