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How to seal a pitched roof against the original pebble dash? - Page 1 - Homes, Gardens and DIY - PistonHeads

How to seal a pitched roof against the original pebble dash? - Page 1 - Homes, Gardens and DIY - PistonHeads - The image is a technical diagram instruction manual illustrating the clothes line for a new rooftop design. It's a multicolored blueprint with written annotations, showing various views of the roof with plan diagrams and labeled features such as a "pitched roof space," "stand by rooftop," "flashings," and "batten." There are also specific details provided, like a "string line for gutter," "under lead flashings," and "stand by roof members/deck." The drawings present elevations and perspectives, indicating how to adjust the cables to match the roof's pitch and dimensions, guiding the installation of the clothes line system. The instructions emphasize time-sensitive considerations, suggesting that the lines should not be left intact once the workers have finished.

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