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PE's Without Prejudice Offers keep getting better - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads

PE's Without Prejudice Offers keep getting better - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads - The image shows a white cover sheet with the logo of Parking Eye at the top. Below it is a black, rectangular block with a piece of red, printed text. The text is a cover letter of a change recommendation for standard parking charging. The details include referees such as Neil Nge, Northern Regional Manager, and Jim Kitchen, Director of Business Development, both from Parkingeye. The letter curtly informs the recipient that without prejudice, the sender accounts for the issues of the current parking system, despite continuing to support it. An official statement challenges the significance and veracity of costs and fines, suggesting a disconnect with the actual costs incurred. Finally, the sender requests an overview of the disputed figures and the criteria for calculating them.
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