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No Mans Land Toyota Dealership, Nicosia - Page 1 - Classic Cars and Yesterday's Heroes - PistonHeads

No Mans Land Toyota Dealership, Nicosia - Page 1 - Classic Cars and Yesterday's Heroes - PistonHeads - The image shows an interior view of a vehicle, specifically focusing on the wheel, dashboard, and parts of the seats. The car's steering wheel is prominently visible in the center of the image, mounted on a beige steering column with various gauges and controls. The dashboard has one prominent round gauge near the driver's right hand side, which resembles a tachometer or speedometer. The driver's and passenger's seats are black with woven fabric, and the upholstery appears worn and dirty, indicating age or heavy use. The overall image gives an impression of a vehicle without a roof, sitting in a dark environment, with a spare tire on the far end of the vehicle. The image seems to capture a moment of stillness in an otherwise busy or outdoors setting.
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