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misbadging cars - Page 96 - General Gassing - PistonHeads

misbadging cars - Page 96 - General Gassing - PistonHeads - The image is a screenshot of a software or web interface titled "Pay the Congestion Charge." The screenshot is a pop-up window with a series of steps for processing the Congestion Charge payment. The steps listed are 1) Enter vehicle details, 2) Select charges, 3) Summary, 4) Data collection, 5) Payment Details, and 5) Pay charge. There is a text box to check the vehicle registration number. At the bottom, there is an instruction to "PLEASE CHECK THE VEHICLE DETAILS CAREFULLY THEN SELECT NEXT TO CONTINUE OR Back to change the Vehicle." The payment details are listed at the bottom, indicating a CEX06CY Black Mercedes C200 Sport CDI engine with the vehicle registration number "BLACK MERCES C200 SPORT CD1A" (which is incorrect).

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