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'71 Vixen Electric Schematic? - Page 1 - Classics - PistonHeads

'71 Vixen Electric Schematic? - Page 1 - Classics - PistonHeads - The image is a technical schematic or blueprint, which is a detailed representation of a mechanical or electrical system. It features intricate lines and a variety of symbols that convey electrical circuit layout and schematics. The schematic is rich with annotations and numerical codes, likely denoting parts, specifications, or colors for the components. The title "TVR 2300 M WIRING SCHEMATIC" is prominently displayed at the top left, indicating the type of vehicle or equipment the schematic applies to. The resolution of the image is too low to provide a detailed description of the specific parts labeled. The schematic appears to have been designed with precision and attention to detail, typical of engineering schematics. Additionally, the schematic includes instructions at various points to prevent scaling errors during manufacturing or assembly.
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