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Additional charges after car hire dropoff - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads

Additional charges after car hire dropoff - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads - The image shows a series of four photographs, each depicting a different stage or view of what appears to be an investigation. The first photo on the left is a photograph of a license plate with a timestamp and location information indicating it was taken outside of a vehicle. This suggests that someone may have been pulled over by law enforcement.

The second photo in the top row shows a close-up of what looks like a dashboard or control panel, possibly from a vehicle, with various buttons, switches, and gauges. The third photo is labeled "Photo 1" and captures a car interior, specifically focusing on the dashboard area where there's an open compartment, revealing a device or equipment inside.

The fourth photo, labeled as "Photo 2," shows a vehicle's interior from a higher angle than Photo 1, with particular focus on the front passenger area. There are objects scattered around, which may suggest that items have been removed from their usual places during the investigation process.

The last photo in the bottom row is labeled "Photo 3" and depicts an open car door with items spilled out onto the ground outside of the vehicle. This could indicate that something has been found or removed from inside the vehicle.

Overall, the images seem to be part of a sequence capturing evidence related to a situation involving a vehicle, possibly during a traffic stop or a search incident to an investigation.
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