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Rules for Tier 4. - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads UK

Rules for Tier 4. - Page 1 - Speed, Plod & the Law - PistonHeads UK - The image shows a poster with a graphic design style. At the top, there's text that reads "CORONAVIRUS 4" and below it is the phrase "STAY AT HOME." The background is black, providing contrast to the white text and graphics.

In the center of the poster, there's an icon labeled "Coronavirus 4," followed by a series of checklist items written in white text against a black background. These items include "Stay at home," "Wash your hands," "Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing," "Practice social distancing," "Avoid close contact with people who are sick," "Call ahead before visiting your healthcare provider," and other related health and safety measures.

The poster has a clear, informative layout with a message that emphasizes the importance of following guidelines during times of coronavirus outbreak or similar health concerns.
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